Educating your child on your epilepsy

Let me first start this blog entry off by saying you know your children the best!!  Children are naturally curious and helping them understand why they or mommy/daddy need help sometimes is important. I will educate you on scenarios that have helped me explain my epilepsy to my child.

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May 25th 2023

Today I had another seizure after being seizure free for almost 2 months. Its crazy to think that I have been having seizures for over 20 years. To me that is mind blowing and I am sure many readers can say they have had them longer or more frequent than myself. Power to you my friends, it is not an easy journey! One journey many people will never understand. (Our bodies have sustained a lot of impact) To be honest I always get in my head when I haven’t had a seizure for over 45 days. It’s almost like a mind game I play with myself. I think “yes the meds are working” or “maybe the trying to de-stress myself is helping”. I talk to myself and hype up thinking this could all go away, and I never have to deal with this, and I can somewhat have a normal life again. Then I have a seizure and my high of positivity falls back down and my eyes open to reality.

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Passenger Princess

I am 32 as of 2023 and I had my license up until I had my first child in 2021. Doctors always told me my hormones would change, however I never really understood how they would change when it came to my epilepsy.

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5 lessons I have learned through mindfulness with epilepsy

It wasn’t till I was in my 30s that I truly started understanding that I was the only one in my way to achieving happiness and peace. Not my epilepsy, not my career, not the people around me, JUST ME. A boyfriend once told me that we all can create our own happiness, but we must choose to create it. This led me down to reading and learning about mindfulness and positivity. The practice of being mindful enables us to observe our thoughts rather than be completely pulled into their story line. I was pulled into my own negative story line for years of having epilepsy every single day and feeling that there was no control, no hope and I was just stuck while playing the victim card of “why me”.

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